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Research Publications


Measuring the Impact of Social Media on Business Profit & Success

This book examines how communication messages on social media affect corporate revenues and profits based on a five-year longitudinal study. Social media metrics such as “likes” are significantly associated with business performance measures.

Effective Advertising Strategies for Your Business

This book outlines three fundamental strategies of advertising: standardized, targeted, and individualized. A company’s decision of adopting which strategy should be based on its business proposition and consumer expectations.

Information Science Journal Articles

  • Ruoyu Sun, Cong Li, Barbara Millet, Khudejah Ali, and John Petit (2022), “Sharing news with online friends: A study of network homophily, network size, and news type,” Telematics and Informatics, (67), 101763.

  • John Petit, Cong Li, and Khudejah Ali (2021), “Fewer people, more flames: How pre-existing beliefs and volume of negative comments impact online news readers’ verbal aggression,” Telematics and Informatics, 56, 101471.

  • Cong Li (2019), “The placebo effect in web-based personalization,” Telematics and Informatics, 44, 101267.

Psychology Journal Artices

  • Gunwoo Yoon, Cong Li, and John Juyoung Choi (2022), “ In search of time to bring the message on social media: Effects of temporal targeting and weather on digital consumers,” Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

  • Cong Li and Jiangmeng Liu (2017), “Effects of using social networking sites in different languages: Does Spanish or English make a difference?” Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 257-264.

  • Jiangmeng Liu, Cong Li, Yi Ji, Michael North, and Fan Yang (2017), “Like it or not: The Fortune 500’s Facebook strategies to generate consumers’ electronic word-of-mouth,” Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 605-613.

  • Cong Li and Jiangmeng Liu (2017), “A name alone is not enough: A reexamination of web-based personalization effect,” Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 132-139.

  • Cheng Hong, Zifei Chen, and Cong Li (2017), “‘Liking’ and being ‘liked’: How are personality traits and demographics associated with giving and receiving ‘likes’ on Facebook?” Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 292-299.

  • Fan Yang and Cong Li (2016), “The color of gender stereotyping: The congruity effect of topic, color, and gender on health messages’ persuasiveness in cyberspace,” Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 299-307.

  • Cong Li (2016), “When does web-based personalization really work? The distinction between actual personalization and perceived personalization,” Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 25-33.

  • Cong Li and Wan-Hsiu Sunny Tsai (2015), “Social media usage and acculturation: A test with Hispanics in the U.S.,” Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 204-212.

  • Zongchao Li and Cong Li (2014), “Twitter as a social actor: How consumers evaluate brands differently on Twitter based on relationship norms?” Computers in Human Behavior, 39, 187-196.

  • Cong Li (2014), “A tale of two social networking sites: How the use of Facebook and Renren influences Chinese consumers’ attitudes toward product packages with different cultural symbols,” Computers in Human Behavior, 32, 162-170.

  • Qinghua Yang and Cong Li (2013), “Mozart or Metallica, who makes you more attractive? A mediated moderation test of music, gender, personality, and attractiveness in cyberspace,” Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), 2796-2804.

  • Cong Li and Xiuli Wang (2013), “The power of eWOM: A re-examination of online student evaluations of their professors,” Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1350-1357.

  • Wan-Hsiu Sunny Tsai and Cong Li (2012), “Bicultural advertising and Hispanic acculturation,” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 34(2), 305-322.

Marketing Journal Articles

  • Cong Li and Khudejah Ali (2021), “Measuring attitude toward the ad: A test of using arbitrary scales and ‘p < .05’ criterion?” International Journal of Market Research, 63(5), 620-634.

  • Cheng Hong and Cong Li (2021), “Will consumers silence themselves when brands speak up on sociopolitical issues? Applying spiral of silence theory to consumer boycott and buycott behaviors,” Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 33(2), 193-211.

  • Cheng Hong and Cong Li (2020), “How to turn lurkers into donors? A study of online social support interactions between nonprofit organizations and their followers,” International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 17(4), 527-547.

  • Cong Li, Gunwoo Yoon, and John Petit (2020), “Staying in the middle or avoiding extremes? A test of the effect of rating scale length in advertising research with Chinese consumers,” International Journal of Market Research, 62(4), 418-431.

  • Cong Li (2019), “Message-to-person versus person-to-message: An alternative way to conceptualize personalized advertising,” Psychology and Marketing, 36(12), 1237-1248.

  • Cong Li and Sriram Kalyanaraman (2012), “What if website editorial content and ads are in two different languages? A study of bilingual consumers’ online information processing,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 11(3), 198-206.

  • Cong Li (2010), “Primacy effect or recency effect? A long-term memory test of Super Bowl commercials,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 9(1), 32-44.

Business Journal Articles

  • Khudejah Ali, Cong Li, Khawaja Zain-ul-Abdin, and Muhammad Adeel Zaffar (2022), “Fake news on Facebook: Examining the impact of heuristic cues on perceived credibility and sharing intention,” Internet Research, 32(1), 379-397.

  • Yeunjae Lee, Su Yeon Cho, Ruoyu Sun, and Cong Li (2021), “Public responses to employee posts on social media: The effects of message valence, message content, and employer reputation,” Internet Research, 31(3), 1040-1060.

  • Jiangmeng Liu, Michael North, and Cong Li (2017), “Relationship building through reputation and tribalism on company Facebook pages: A uses and gratifications approach,” Internet Research, 27(5), 1149-1169.

  • Zifei Chen, Cheng Hong, and Cong Li (2017), “The joint effect of association-based corporate posting strategy and eWOM comment valence on social media,” Internet Research, 27(5), 1039-1057.

  • Zongchao Li and Cong Li (2014), “Tweet or ‘re-tweet’? An experiment of message strategy and interactivity on Twitter,” Internet Research, 24(5), 648-667.

Communication Journal Articles

  • John Petit, Cong Li, Barbara Millet, Khudejah Ali, and Ruoyu Sun (2021), “Can we stop the spread of false information on vaccination? How online comments on vaccination news affect readers’ credibility assessments and sharing behaviors,” Science Communication, 43(4), 407-434.

  • Cong Li, Cheng Hong, and Zifei Chen (2020), “Effects of uniqueness, news valence and liking on personalization of company news,” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(4), 890-912.

  • Cong Li, Jiangmeng Liu, and Cheng Hong (2019), “The effect of preference stability and extremity on personalized advertising,” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(2), 406-427.

  • Khudejah Ali, Khawaja Zain-ul-Abdin, Cong Li, Lisa Johns, Ayesha Aziz Ali, and Nick Carcioppolo (2019), “Viruses going viral: Impact of fear-arousing sensationalist social media messages on user engagement,” Science Communication, 41(3), 314-338.

  • Cheng Hong and Cong Li (2017), “The effect of ‘anonymous reviewer’: A study of anonymity, affect intensity and message valence in the cyberspace,” Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 36(5), 504-524.

  • Nick Carcioppolo, Cong Li, Elena V. Chudnovskaya, Rebecca Kharsa, Tyler Stephan, and Kelly Nickel (2017), “The comparative efficacy of a hybrid guilt-fear appeal and a traditional fear appeal to influence HPV vaccination intentions,” Communication Research, 44(3), 437-458.

  • Jiangmeng Liu, Cong Li, Nick Carcioppolo, and Michael North (2016), “Do our Facebook friends make us feel worse? A study of social comparison and emotion,” Human Communication Research, 42(4), 619-640.

  • Cong Li and Sriram Kalyanaraman (2013), “‘I, me, mine’ or ‘us, we, ours?’ The influence of cultural psychology on web-based customization,” Media Psychology, 16(3), 272-294.

  • Cong Li (2013), “Cultumization? The impact of cultural priming on customized communication,” Mass Communication and Society, 16(1), 49-66.

  • Cong Li, Sriram Kalyanaraman, and Ying Roselyn Du (2011), “Moderating effects of collectivism on customized communication: A test with tailored and targeted messages,” Asian Journal of Communication, 21(6), 575-594.

Advertising and Public Relations Journal Articles

  • Cheng Hong and Cong Li (2020), “To support or to boycott: A public segmentation model in corporate social advocacy,” Journal of Public Relations Research, 32(5-6), 160-177.

  • Wanhsiu Tsai, Shiyun Tian, Chinghua Chuang, and Cong Li (2020), “Inspection or play? A study of how augmented reality technology can be utilized in advertising,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, 20(3), 244-257.

  • Gunwoo Yoon, Cong Li, Yi Ji, Michael North, Cheng Hong, and Jiangmeng Liu (2018), “Attracting comments: Digital engagement metrics on Facebook and financial performance,” Journal of Advertising, 47(1), 24-37.

  • Yi Ji, Cong Li, Michael North, and Jiangmeng Liu (2017), “Staking reputation on stakeholders: How does stakeholders’ Facebook engagement help or ruin a company’s reputation?” Public Relations Review, 43(1), 201-210.

  • Cong Li, Wan-Hsiu Sunny Tsai, and Gonzalo Soruco (2013), “Perceived ‘Hispanicness’ versus ‘Americanness’: A study of brand ethnicity with Hispanic consumers,” International Journal of Advertising, 32(3), 443-465.